Moving up a division requires more than above average baseball ability. The player’s baseball skills, as well as their physical and social/emotional readiness to participate and succeed in an older age division, will be considered.
The player must be one of the top in his/her current age group and evaluate within the top 10% of the next age group.
In order to accommodate the player, there must be available spots in the higher division. This will only be known at the time that teams are formed by the Association. As a result, there are no guarantees that even if a player meets other criteria that there will be a spot to move into.
Any families interested in having their player evaluate for a higher division must notify the Bow Ridge Registrar no later than one week before the start of evaluations. Players will be required to evaluate within their age group. NOTE: A player may only be moved up once during their time at Bow Ridge.
Once all decisions are made by the Board, the Player Agent will contact families to inform them of the outcome before they are placed on a team.
Once all decisions are made by the Board, the Player Agent will contact families to inform them of the outcome before they are placed on a team.
Participants terminating their registration will receive a refund of:
75% prior to the close of registration
0% after close of registration
Relates to both Spring and Fall season.
Team Jersey's and Belts are REQUIRED to be returned at the end of the season. If uniforms are not returned to your coach, there will be a hold added to next year's registration.
Participants registering after the March 1st close of registration will be charged a late fee of $25.00. Please note that we cannot guarantee you will be placed on a team if both registration and payment are received on or after March 1st. Full refunds will be issued should team placement not occur.
Bow Ridge Little League has ZERO TOLERANCE for any type of abuse against a minor.