Call-Out for Executive Board Positions
Bow Ridge Little League Baseball would like to thank all the players, coaches, volunteers and families for another successful baseball season! With the closing of the current season and the upcoming AGM in the fall, the following executive board positions are now open for new recruits:
Umpire in Chief (UIC)
VP Volunteer Chair
This is an executive level position on the board to which all executive board members report to. The successful candidate for this position shall attend board meetings and vote on BRLL decisions and policies. The President is also the main liaison between our association and our District and the associations within it. The President is responsible for the direct supervision of the following executive board positions:
VP On Field
VP Off Field
VP Finance
VP Administration
VP Volunteer Chair
Umpire in Chief
Past President
The outgoing President will provide guidance to the newly appointed volunteer and be available for questions during the season.
Umpire in Chief (UIC)
This is an executive level position on the board who reports directly to the president. The successful candidate for this position shall attend board meetings and vote on BRLL decisions and policies. The UIC is also the main liaison between our association and the Head District umpire.
Organize and manage the recruitment of umpires, ensure each is properly trained, enroll new umpires in spring clinics, distribution of rule books and uniforms to umpires, promote strict conformity to the policies, principles, rules and regulations of the League and Little League Baseball, handling disciplinary actions, etc.
The UIC is responsible for the direct supervision of the following position:
Umpire Scheduler
The outgoing UIC will provide guidance to the newly appointed volunteer and be available for questions during the season.
VP Volunteer Chair
This is an executive level position on the board who reports directly to the president. The successful candidate for this position shall attend board meetings and vote on BRLL decisions and policies.
Develop and implement strategies to identify and find volunteers to fill vacant roles throughout the BRLL organization
The VP Volunteer Chair is responsible for the direct supervision of the following positions:
Picture Day Coordinator
Concession Coordinator
The outgoing VP Volunteer Chair will provide guidance to the newly appointed volunteer and be available for questions during the season.
If you have any questions or would like to apply for these positions, please contact me.
Thank you!
Aaron Baumgarten